Find out the latest first with Fashion Club
The Fashion Club is Freeport Lisboa Fashion Outlet's loyalty program that rewards your preference and offers you additional discounts with the purchases you make at our center. Find out all about it and become a member.
Become A MemberCOLLECT & SAVE
Accumulate 5% of the value of your purchases as a balance. Use the accumulated credits for additional discounts of up to 25% on future purchases.
Share your birthday with us and receive extra credits - subscribe to the newsletter to find out more.
*Exclusive offer for active members.
Receive exclusive, early offers for Fashion Club members on your favorite brands.
More benefits
Days dedicated to Fashion Club members with extra discounts, exclusive lounge space and other surprises.
The last Wednesdays of the month are even more FAB!
As a Fashion Club member, you get early access to special promotions on the last Wednesday of every month! With our Cashback, up to 10% of the value of your purchases comes back in vale! Curious?
Visit us and discover all the opportunities first hand!
This is your club!
Present your Fashion Club card or App whenever you shop at a member brand.
Accumulate 5% of the value of your purchases to use on future purchases.
Enjoy an additional discount of up to 25% using your credit balance
Fashion Club Offers
View AllIt's very easy to join the Fashion Club! Simply download the Fashion Club app and register to easily and conveniently keep up to date with news, discounts and offers available from your favourite fashion, accessories, cosmetics, decoration, footwear and sports brands. If you are at the Centre, you can choose to pick up your Fashion Club Card at the Information Centre or request it at any of the member shops.